Mini FitGirls
Ages 5 - 8
A 50 minute class containing 40 minutes of physical activity and 10 minutes of a lesson appropriate to the age of our Mini FitGirls. The physical activity portion will focus on full body movements that targets strength, stamina, flexibility, agility, coordination and balance. These fundamental components of fitness are obtained by creating a fun environment for the girls using games and challenges. Each week we will discuss a different topic during our lessons. The topics include, female empowerment, self-esteem, positivity, nutrition, confidence and much more!
Junior FitGirls
Ages 8 - 11
A 50 minute class containing 40 minutes of physical activity and 10 minutes of a lesson appropriate to the age of our Junior FitGirls. The physical activity portion will focus on full body movements that targets strength, stamina, flexibility, agility, coordination and balance. These fundamental components of fitness are targeted by creating a fun environment for the girls. The classes vary every week in delivery, style and intensity. The girls will be challenged with fitness games as well as boot camp style workouts using delivery systems including: circuits, obstacle courses, group fitness, individual and partner work. Each week we will discuss a different topic during our lessons. The topics include, female empowerment, self-esteem, positivity, nutrition, confidence and much more!

Senior FitGirls
Ages 12 - 19
A 50 minute class containing 40 minutes of physical activity and 10 minutes of a lesson appropriate to the age of our Senior FitGirls. These classes are heavily focused on goal-setting and feeling incredible about self-progress. We meet each girl's individual fitness requirements and help them to obtain their goals in a safe manner, without judgement and while boosting self-esteem and confidence! The physical activity portion will focus on full body movements that targets on strength, stamina, flexibility, agility, coordination and balance. These fundamental components of fitness are obtained by creating a fun environment for the girls. The classes vary every week in delivery, style and intensity. The girls will be challenged with fitness games as well as boot camp style workouts using different delivery methods including: circuits, obstacle courses, group fitness, individual work and partner work. Each week we will discuss a different topic during our lessons. The topics include, female empowerment, self-esteem, positivity, nutrition, confidence and much more!

Mom & Daughter
A 45 minute class from warm-up to cool-down. This class is all about the bond and the time spent between a mother and her daughter! Each class focuses on full body movements that targets strength, stamina, flexibility, agility, coordination and balance. These fundamental components of fitness are obtained by creating a fun environment for each dynamic duo. The classes vary every week in delivery, style and intensity. Each pair will be challenged with fitness games as well as boot camp style workouts using different delivery methods including: circuits, obstacle courses, partner challenges. By creating an environment where mom and daughter motivate and encourage each other the bond shared together only strengthens! Training is that much sweeter when you work as a team!

FitGirls Run Club
A 'learn to run' 45 minute outdoor class including warm-up and cool-down with the goal of completing a 5km distance. The girls will follow a walk/run interval schedule that increases in intensity, progressively, over an 8 week span. This club welcomes everyone to train side-by-side, despite differing fitness levels which reinforces a group support system and makes the journey that much more fun. As a team we will motivate and encourage one another to help each individual progress, especially those that find running more challenging. Completing the 5km event at the end gives the girls a tangible understanding of the confidence that is gained when accomplishing a goal. The girls will also have solid framework for setting and achieving other life goals in the future!
Mom & Daughter Run Club
A 'learn to run' 45 minute outdoor class including warm-up and cool-down with the goal of completing a 5km distance. This particular club is all about the bond and time spent between a mother and her daughter! Creating an environment where each pair is responsible for motivating one another to put out their best efforts and to never give up! Each duo will follow a walk/run interval schedule that increases in intensity, progressively, over an 8 week span. This club welcomes everyone to train side-by-side, despite differing fitness levels which reinforces a group support system and makes the journey that much more fun. As a team we will motivate and encourage one another to help each individual progress, especially those that find running more challenging. Completing the 5km event at the end gives every individual a tangible understanding of the confidence that is gained when accomplishing a goal.